CDG Invest Growth invests in the capital of companies in Morocco and Africa
We strongly believe that a sustainable and responsible approach is key to achieving value creation to our investments.
Our sustainability approach is reflected in our investment approach: we carefully assess business opportunities and risks during due diligence, identify opportunities to improve ESG metrics, and carry out our investment programs taking into account the environment and the well-being of local communities.
Our Responsible Investing approach to Responsible Investing is available detailed for download here.
ESG Principles
Our Commitment to Investors
At CDG Invest Growth, meeting our investors’ expectations is a key priority. To achieve such goal, we adopt a 360° approach aiming at contributing to not only financial value but also impact creation.
Our Commitment to Portfolio Companies
Investing in high-performance companies is our ambition and we are convinced that financial performance goes hand in hand with improving ESG practices for sustainable value creation.
Our Commitment to Our Team
Our success is the result of our teamwork spirit and our team members’ talent. We ensure that our colleagues thrive in a safe and positive social environment to give their best and contribute to our success.
Our Commitments to the Community
We promote through our investments the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which consist in a global roadmap aiming at addressing social, environment and economical development challenges.
National Sustainable Development Strategy
CDG Invest Growth impact approach follows the 2030 National Sustainable Development Strategy, which translates into public policies consolidation in terms of sustainable development.
The National Sustainable Development Strategy is broken down into 7 major challenges :
Challenge 1
Strengthening Sustainable Development Governance
Challenge 2
Successfully transitioning to a green economy
Challenge 3
Improving natural resources recovery and biodiversity preservation
Challenge 4
Accelerating climate change national policy implementation
Challenge 5
Special care to sensitive territories
Challenge 6
Promoting human development and reducing social and territorial disparities